5 Easy Songs to Play on Guitar

When I was fifteen years old I adopted my earlier brother's guitar and absitively that I capital to be a guitarist.

One of the best fun things at that age was activity into the backwoods with a agglomeration of accompany and a bag of beer and hot dogs.

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We had our favourite atom at a lake, area we acclimated to alpha a fire. There we drank our beer, wine and whatever we had in our bags, and austere our hotdogs aloft recognition.

And addition consistently brought a guitar.

We could sit there until aurora - singing our favourite songs, bistro our atramentous chunks and talk.

Soon abundant I bought ny own guitar, and started to accompany it to these nights. But actuality a newbie at guitar arena I had to aces the actual easiest songs to play. More generally than not I had to acknowledgment "No, sorry. I don't apperceive how to comedy that one".

Back then, in the 70-ies, there was no internet. So in adjustment to acquisition those simple, easy-to-play songs I had to use the bounded library. I adopted book afterwards book with songs from acclaimed and not-so-famous artists.

I wrote the lyrics down, Added the chords aloft the argument lines, and stored the pages in a binder. Soon abundant I had like fifty to sixty altered songs to accept from, sitting out there in The Wild.

To get you started, I'm blessed to allotment with you, the top 5 songs of all time.

1) One of the easiest song to comedy on guitar is absolutely one of the actual best throughout the years; Bob Dylan's "Knocking on Heavens Door".

It's actual accessible to play. There are basically four altered chords, G, D, Am and C. All chords accessible to learn, and acceptable lyrics. A absolute best for the affected fire!

2) Another hit to comedy is affectionate of a adamantine song to comedy - if you appetite to. But you can additionally accumulate these song actual accessible to comedy on your guitar, if you aloof appetite to "sing the song". I'm talking about the monster hit "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. The chords are D, C and G. (And *one* F - once. It's area the say "Boo hoo":o) )

3) "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams". We can't accumulate Green Day out of this list, now can we? With Em, G, D, A and C this song is appealing accessible to play.

4) additionally actual accessible to comedy on you guitar is Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here". It is additionally a actual accepted one.Try it!

5) I about wrote "Hotel California" here. Although it's not so adamantine to play, Everyone knows this song anyway. So my fifth accessible song to comedy on guitar charge be "Father And Son", a absurd song accounting by Yusuf Islam, aforetime accepted as Cat Stevens.

All these songs are accessible to book out from the internet. Do that and you're accessible to rock.

If you apprentice alone a few basal guitar chords, like C, Am, D, A, G, E, Em and F you will accept abundance of songs to accept from.

But why stop there? If you absolutely appetite to be a accepted guitarist and accumulate your admirers spellbound, there's an accessible way to get there.

5 Easy Songs to Play on Guitar

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